On The Day Of Marketing
- Open the blinds and curtains. Have as much light in the room as possible.
- Ensure the house is clean, tidy and uncluttered.
- Light the fire.
- Remove washing from the clothes line.
- Put all personal items away such as shoes at the front door, any items on the fridge, mail or food on the kitchen bench, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, deodorants, etc.
- Ensure that cars have been put away or are parked away from the front of the house.
- Mow the lawn and tidy the gardens and backyard
On The Day Of Your Property's Open Home Inspection
- Air out the house well prior to the inspection so it smells fresh. Light candles 30 minutes to inspection time.
- Light the fire and have fresh flowers displayed in your home.
- Turn on all internal lights.
- Ensure the floors are vacuumed and washed. This includes in the bathroom, laundry and bedrooms.
- Open all blinds and curtains. If the house is dark put on lights and lamps.
- Clean the pool and pool area. Tidy the pool toys, remove any leaves and ensure the pool is nice and clear (this is very important as it will make the pool and outside area very inviting).
- Arrange temporary boarding for any pets or at least have them restrained. Store any pet bedding or kennels out of sight.
- Ensure the kitchen splash back is splatter free and wiped over as well as the stove top.
- Ensure any sentimental items and all personal items away such as shoes at the front door, any items on the fridge, mail or food on the kitchen bench, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, deodorants, etc.